Research Impact

How many scholars cited, read my work? 

Please visit my Google Scholarpage to a get citation count of my work and view who cited my work. Please click the follow button to receive alerts when I publish new work.

Please visit my ResearchGate_Logo page to view detailed stats on each of my papers, such as how many times my papers have been read in the ResearchGate platform. Please click the follow button to receive updates about my publications and contributions on ResearchGate

Quality of my research outlets 


Two of my papers have appeared in Information and Management, a top-tier journal in the Information Systems academic field. Highlights of this journal are:

  • Ranked A* by the Australian Council of Professor and Heads of Information Systems (ACPHIS) for the Australian Information Systems community. Click here for detailed rankings, and to view other top IS journals in the A* league.
  • Ranked A- journal in the University at Buffalo, School Management approved list of journals.
  • Consistently ranked by IS scholars as one of the top 10 journals in the IS arena.
  • Journal Metrics of Information and Management (as of 2015)
    • Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 2.358
    • SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.628
    • Impact Factor: 3.317
    • 5-Year Impact Factor: 4.283


I have presented papers at major conferences on information systems, including ICIS, AMCIS, WITS, WeB, and ASIA-SKM. ICIS, particularly is the biggest and the most prestigious annual gathering of academics and practitioners from the Information Systems (IS) discipline. At ICIS, each year, over 1,000 IS academic professionals from around the world participate in the conference program, which includes about 60 sessions and 180 presentations, in addition to keynotes, CIO panels and research panels. The acceptance rate for this conference is close to 30 percent.

In the News


I have received a couple of awards for research excellence at the school level. I am the recipient of the Dean’s PhD Rising Star Award, during my school’s annual PhD showcase event in 2013. The award  honors the first- or second-year doctoral student who has most exhibited exceptional early overall performance in the PhD program. I was awarded $1000 for supporting conference attendance. I am also the recipient of the Berner Award 2014, for research excellence. I was awarded $2000 for supporting my dissertation. Here is the press release of the Rising Star award in the school’s website.

“UB School of Management honors doctoral students at PhD Showcase”Click here to see more. Published in:



Research Spotlight

Our paper on the consumer adoption of food traceability Apps (for reducing health risks) got quite a bit of press. Here is the press release video of Dr. Rajiv Kishore, one of the co-authors in this papers, discussing the findings.

Below I list other news articles covering the findings of this paper.

“Does tracking farm to table increase grocery sales?”Click here to see more. Published in:

“Study finds consumers favor tracking food from ‘farm to table”Click here to see more. Published in:—World/2015-09-09/article-4270936/Consumers-more-likely-to-purchase-traceable-food-products%3A-study/1